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About US

We are an Innovative SME and have been operating for over 20 years, with our highly qualified team, in the technological innovation field, providing added value services and solutions and continuously investing in research, development and innovation.


We invest in R&D activities in collaboration with International Universities and Research Centres in order to provide to our customers the most innovative solutions based on the deployment of latest-generation technologies.

Project: Coral – Project FIDAL (Field Trials beyond 5G) HORIZON.2.4

Duration: Apr 2024 – March 2025

CORAL, with the support of Project FIDAL (Field Trials beyond 5G) and in collaboration with Infocom and Stam, aims to establish a beyond-5G trial of Artys’ innovative technologies in the fields of Emergency Services and Time-Critical Applications to support urban resilience. This is achieved by setting up a new 5G testing facility in the Valpolcevera area.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON.2.4 – Digital, Industry and Space, Grant Agreement No. 101096146

Project: AI4SRS – Articificial Intelligence 4 Smart Rainfall System – ELISE Project Open Call2

Duration: Nov 2023- April 2024

With the support of ELISE 2nd Open Call, Artys undertook the AI4SRS project with the aim of improving the effectiveness of Indra, the new decision support platform for nowcasting of flood hazard. AI4SRS exploited the use of innovative methods based on Machine Learning to maximize the accuracy of the processing of data produced by SRS rainfall monitoring technology.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951847

All details in the video

Project: EN-HERITAGE [P.R. FESR 2021 – 2027 – OP 1 – O.S. 1.1 – Azione 1.1.1. – “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti di ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale per le imprese aggregate ai poli di ricerca ed innovazione” – ANNO 2023]

Project start: 01/2024

The project EN-HERITAGE, in collaboration with Univeristy of Genoa, Modus Architecturae, A-Sign and PM-TEN and co-funded by Regional Operational Program P.R. FESR 2021 – 2027, strives to develop and demonstrate a system to support the management of historic buildings using a multidisciplinary approach and introduce to the market a platform for identifying intervention priorities through the use of emerging technologies for diagnosing and monitoring the state of conservation.

Project: MIND THE BRIDGE [P.R. FESR 2021 – 2027 – OP 1 – O.S. 1.1 – Azione 1.1.1. – “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti di ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale per le imprese aggregate ai poli di ricerca ed innovazione” – ANNO 2023]

Project start: 01/2024

Darts Engineering takes part in the project MTB- MIND THE BRIDGE, carried out in collaboration with FOS Spa, University of Genoa, Gter, JP Droni, Infocom and Harpaceas and co-funded by Regional Operational Program P.R. FESR 2021 – 202. MTB is dedicated to intelligent monitoring of transportation infrastructure and structural risks related to the surrounding environment.

Photo by Cody Hiscox on Unsplash

Project: RAIN4UTILITY [P.R. FESR 2021 – 2027 – OP 1 – O.S. 1.1 – Azione 1.1.1. – “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti di ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale per le imprese aggregate ai poli di ricerca ed innovazione” – ANNO 2023]

Project start: 03/2024

Darts Engineering takes part in the project RAIN4UTILITY, carried out in collaboration with GISIG, Techcom, Iren Acqua, Iren and University of Genoa and co-funded by Regional Operational Program P.R. FESR 2021 – 202. RAIN4UTILITY’s aim is to monitor and predict the effects of rain events on urban drainage and slope stability to optimize processes and services of multi-utilities.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Project: P.O.R. FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020 – ASSE 3 “Competitività delle imprese “, 3.1.1 “Aiuti per investimenti in macchinari, impianti e beni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale”. Digitalizzazione delle micro, piccole e medie imprese”.

Project start: 06/2022

As innovative SME in the field of ICT consulting and programming, data management in a secure and state-of-the-art environment is crucial for the company and for its customers. Thanks to the funding received, Darts has intervened on the corporate IT infrastructure making the management compliant with the best practices on security provided by ISO/ EIC 27000 and required by the market.

Project: RUN [POR FESR Liguria 2014-2020 – Asse 1 “Ricerca e Innovazione – Azione 1.2.4]”.

Project start: 03/2022

Darts Engineering takes part in the project “RUN – Urban Resilience: now-casting of flood risk with IoT sensors and OpenData” – co-funded by Regional Operational Program Filse – bringing its expertise on the theme of the use of ICT technologies for the technological field of Safety and quality of life in the territory. The project, carried out in collaboration with AMIU Spa, Colouree Srl, Darts Engineering Srl and IREN Spa, involves the development and demonstration of a now-casting service of the risk of flooding during heavy rains. Using IoT technologies and Big Data analysis tools designed for Smart Cities and urban drainage network managers, the service allows faster actions to protect people and properties and allows subjects in charge of the maintenance of the storm drains to plan interventions for optimal system operation.

Project: P.O.R. FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020 – ASSE 3 “Competitività delle imprese “, 3.1.1 “Aiuti per investimenti in macchinari, impianti e beni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale”. Digitalizzazione delle micro, piccole e medie imprese”.

Project start: 07/2020

Thanks to the financial support received, Darts could accomplish an important update of the devices that manage connectivity. With the introduction of this new system in the network infrastructure, all of the employees were granted the possibility of remote connection, as required by the new IT and health safety standards. The chosen appliance, product of one of the International major vendors, offers more protection and configuration versatility in comparison to the previous solution and eased the performance of remote activities enabling high work standards during lockdown and contributing to contain transfers during this pandemic times due to SARS-CoV-2.

Project: Genova Sicura [POR FESR Liguria 2014-2020 – Asse 1 – Azione 1.2.4]


Duration: 06/2018 – 06/2020

In collaboration with Leonardo SpA, Darts takes part to the Genova Sicura project – cofinanced by Filse’s POR, Regional Operational Program – making a contribution by sharing its competences about the use of ICT technologies in the Territory security field. The project aims at the creation of a prototype Security Center to support people’s safety and protection in the city, by building a defense tool against terroristic and/or criminal  acts and extreme hydrogeological weather events. The platform integrates different systems and specialized technologies in order to provide advanced services in the environmental monitoring field as well as in the Town/Region resilience management.

DARTS’ scope in the project is to make its resilience and safety competences available, applying ICT technologies to deal with natural disasters (brought upon everyone by climate change or, in general, by extreme weather events).

Project: Knowledge Alliance for Advanced Urbanism – KAAU [Erasmus+ Programme – Key Action 2]


Duration: 11/2015 – 06/2018

As a member of KAAU project, co-financed by Erasmus programme and European Union in collaboration with high education qualified institutes and international companies, Darts provides experiences and competences in the use of ICT for the development of Advanced Urbanism.

Within this project Darts conducts studies and researches focusing on the identification of the efficient approaches in advanced design of public spaces and the use of ICT to modernize citizen’s services. Darts focuses on two main subjects:

1. Innovation of cultural tourism services to upgrade outdoor and indoor environments;

2. Smart design of the resilient cities for a better climate change adaptation and resilience of the urban areas affected by natural disasters and other intense weather events.

Project: TCUBE – Trasporti, Territorio e Turismo [Par Fas 2007-2013 – Progetto 4]


Duration: 04/2014 – 04/2016

Co-funded by the PAR-FAS Liguria 2007-2013 program, the aim of the TCUBE project was to study, realize and test an innovative platform of mobile information within the municipality of Genoa in order to spread personalized information about the mobility of users, including weather alerts in urban areas.

Within the TCUBE project, the role of Darts was to study the implementation of the Smart Rainfall System (innovative technology developed and patented by Darts and the University of Genoa, for monitoring rainfall in real-time and managing hydrogeological risk) in the info-mobility project platform in order to inform citizens and tourists in real-time about current weather conditions in the city centre in case of extreme rainfall.

Project: OCOVA AlpMedNet [ALCOTRA 2007-2013 – Asse 1 – Misura 1.1]


Duration: 01/2013 – 03/2015

The OCOVA AlpMedNet project – co-funded by the ALCOTRA programme 2007-2013 –  aimed to create added value for the Alps-Mediterranean region (Hautes-Alpes, Piedmont and Liguria), encouraging the development of innovation, starting from citizens’ relationships and administration up to developers of techno-advanced solutions. The project aimed to promote ICT services to meet the needs of the end user, supporting the development of innovative companies in the project area.

Darts was in charge of the project management of the Ligurian region, supporting the University of Genoa (institutional partner of the project)


We constantly look for new business opportunities and investments on innovative projects focused on ICT solution development to gain access to emerging markets.


Artys – Advanced enviRonmental moniToring and analYsis Systems – formerly a spin-off of University of Genoa (Italy) and now branch of the innovative SME Darts Engineering. We deal with advanced environmental monitoring systems development, production and marketing. Our solutions are relevant for hydrogeological risk management, urban mobility management, citizen and institutions safety and business safeguard.

eXplainable Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the so-called “Exponential Technologies“, innovations progressing at an accelerated pace that will have the capability to generate tremendous benefits for individuals and society.

Algorithms and human beings will have to interact by building a relationship based on trust. For this reason it will be crucial that this technology remains accessible and understandable to a human being who can verify its reliability and results.

Darts designs and selects the most innovative explainable AI (XAI) solutions that are able to create “transparent” or “clear box” models in order to mantain a human-centric approach.


Darts means passion for innovation, excellence in technology and professional development. Our team consists of highly qualified, resourceful and consistently trained professionals with a great passion for technology who daily face challenges with strength, determination and confidence.

Would you like to work with us?

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We offer the following services: consulting, design and system integration in the ICT field and more precisely on ITS – Intelligent Transportation Systems, BSS – Business Support Systems and New Media.

We provide different engineering services strictly following all phases of the project cycle. Vast professional skills and excellent techno-commercial partnerships are the results of highly qualified working methods that efficiently satisfy and exceed customers’ expectations.


We share our experience and accrued know-how by implementing qualified hi-tech projects in the ICT field. We offer IT consulting services managing all phases of the project: Executability analysis, collection of requirements, choice of products, definition of architecture, analytical activities, design phase, implementation & test. We also implement Proof of Concept and conduct technical assessment on SW projects and applications.

SW design

Darts offers high skills over the main o.s. for servers and real-time tools for embedded solutions. We implement solutions based on open source framework. We carry out the customization of billing products & revenue. We develop different applications for the most common mobile platforms (iOS, Android) using latest technologies and best practices. We design competent solutions in order to measure the performances of SW and HW systems.

System integration

In system integration we gained important experiences.

Working with large companies, we have consolidated the technical and relational skills needed to successfully complete the process of integrating the solutions proposed in the Customer’s IT ecosystem.

Any problem to be solved?

Contact us for the efficient solution


Business Units

We set up three areas of expertise within different business sectors jointed by the aim of designing and developing technologically advanced solutions, that can help our customers to improve and enhance their business processes and to innovate their ICT systems.

Business Support Systems

Darts offers Technical and Business consultancy on revenue management IT systems for telecom providers. It provides many different solutions operating on CRM, billing and Revenue Management platforms from the most important vendors (Oracle, NetCraker, SAP) and a large variety of services: feasibility studies, hardware and software systems architecture design.

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Darts know-how is about designing and developing software projects for tolling and traffic control systems. We gained significant experience on innovative systems managing non-channeled traffic over multiple lanes (free-flow). Our enforcement applications are based on video monitoring and automatic license plate recognition technologies.

Prescriptive Analytics

Darts uses the most innovative AI technologies to build data-based solutions for business problems. Darts is able to extract new information from company data, finding hidden relationships with no a priori knowledge. These correlations can be used to deepen data knowledge and build predictive models to make better decisions or to optimize business processes.

KEY Areas

Since 1995 we are a qualified technological partner ready to meet the challenges of the world competitive market.

We design and develop technologically advanced solutions and turnkey projects, based on progressive technologies of superior quality in order to improve business processes and create added value for our customers.



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